I feel BoothBook is a big benefit for my business. It has helped me with receiving an easy to use platform for my clients to see what I offer and helps them book with ease.

BoothBook Review DJ Legend
DJ Legend

Manage Daily Operations with Tasks

Task Builder

Task Builder

Schedule your Tasks based on the type of event or services that have been booked.

Add Tasks, Due Dates & Priority

Due Dates & Priority

Set the date the task needs to be completed and let staff know how important it is.

Assign Users

Assign Users

Assign users to tasks. Assign admins, event attendants or specific users to tasks that need to be carried out for events.



Control how your attendants view, add, edit and assign other users to tasks or only let them see their own assigned duties.

Increase Productivity


Manage your tasks from your overview page, view all tasks or manage them per booking.

Manual Tasks

One-off Reminders

Add one-off tasks for bookings, reminders or memos, as well as notes about company errands.


Never miss a beat with Tasks

Automatically create checklists based on what your clients have booked, assign staff and set due dates. Manage daily tasks, improve your organisation and productivity in your day to day business.

Generate Tasks based on bookings

With the Task Builder,  you can schedule your Tasks based on the type of event or services that have been booked. Tasks will be automatically created and assigned to the staff member when the booking is made. When adding tasks, include the description of the task required to be done, links and even variables to generate information once the booking details are available. Set the date the task needs to be completed and let staff know how important it is.

Assign Tasks

Assign admins, event attendants or specific users to tasks that need to be carried for events. When a booking is made, those users will see their tasks on their Overview page. Set permissions for how your attendants use tasks, let them view all tasks, assign users, archive and create manual tasks or only let them see their own assigned duties. Manual tasks allow you to add one-off tasks for bookings, reminders or memos, as well as notes about company errands.

Easily Manage Tasks

Manage your daily tasks from your Overview page, log in and see what you need to do straight away, view all tasks to see what other staff are up to or manage them per booking.