Optimize Your Photo Booth Proposals in Five Steps

Have you heard a competitor or a friend in the industry bragging about the big lead they just booked and wondered why it isn’t happening to you?

This is something we are used to hearing from our users. There's usually a discord between what the customer needs and what they think they need. Bridging this knowledge gap is where your value is proven.  

How do you politely convince a customer that you know what they need, more than they do?

Well let’s start at the beginning…



When you are putting together a business proposal there are some things you need to remember before you even start.

Firstly, and most importantly… You are likely to be in competition already.

When looking for a better paid gig, it is a considered purchase, most customers are going to weigh up a couple of options. You increase your chance of securing business by responding first by up to 78%. (Harvard Study) This means you need to stand out and you need to do it quickly.

The important thing you need to make this possible is consistent and reliable lead capture data and a quickly adaptable proposal template.

Using BoothBook, we can get our customers a stunning 1 page website proposal out to their potential lead in less than a minute. When compared to a plain text email which took longer, their first impression is pretty epic.

Although efficiency is important, it can’t be all bark and no bite… Remember we are taking them on a journey to discover what they need after all.

Professional Proposal Example



Whether your customer is a big corporate or a private party, they’re hiring you to overcome an issue that they currently have. The real kicker is, they’re often not even aware of it. It is your job to spell this out to them.

For a corporate, it’s likely to be that they need engagement. Whether that is footfall, brand awareness or data capture. You are there to give people a reason to engage with that client.

The corporate events you’re hired for are usually very expensive and they need a return on that investment (ROI).

This is the issue that they are trying to overcome.

On a private event, it is often about entertainment and capturing a moment in time, the fear of their guest having a bad time or your client’s fear of missing out on the good times.

Again, this is the issue you are going to overcome. Now we have their pain point it is time to ease it for them.  Which takes us on to the main sales pitch…

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Because it's designed by and for photo booth operators, it's easy to use and customize to fit my business perfectly. Easy for my clients to use. Best sales tool I have ever used.

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Photo Booth Billings